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CitiPhone Banking

Self-Service Banking
Using CitiPhone Banking
Citibank provides our customers with the power to control their own banking from anywhere, at any time. You have the freedom to do your own banking 24 hours a day, seven days a week, where ever you are in the world at a time that suits you.
Using Citiphone BankingSelf Service BankingYour TPIN
Getting started
Getting started is easy and simple, all you need to gain access to self-service phone banking is:
  • Your Citibank card or your account number
  • Your Telephone Personal Identification Number (TPIN)*
*If you do not have a TPIN please call us on 13 24 84.
Using Citiphone Banking
You can contact us on 13 24 84 or + 61 2 8225 0615 if you are overseas. CitiPhone Banking is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Follow the easy directions to access information regarding your account. There is also an option to speak to a customer service officer if required to complete your enquiry.
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